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Pre-Installation Preparation


Ensure all electrical items has been moved from the area the installation is going to occur.


Remove pictures, mirrors, or any other wall hangings from the walls in both the room the installation is taking place, as well as in any rooms on the other side of the walls the installation is taking place. These items can be dislodged and possible become damaged due to the nature of your installation. 


If there are any closets having new flooring installed, please ensure that the floor is completely cleared and accessible.


If we are installing in a room with a bed or furniture, please ensure the bed is broken down, bedding removed, items from underneath are removed, book cases are emptied, media cabinets emptied, or any other high valued items are moved.


If you have pets, please make sure that any areas that may be soiled are cleaned prior to installation.





If you are planning on removing your own flooring, please make sure that all flooring is removed and the floor properly prepared before the day of installation. NOTE: If you are removing existing carpet, please leave the existing tack strip installed and ensure that all staples are removed from where the pad was stapled to the sub-floor.

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